Wednesday, 2/6/2019

Hi, there! I just wanted to check in with you guys before heading to bed for the night. Yesterday was a pretty tough day for Morgan in that she had a headache for a good portion of the day. She also continued to struggle with nausea; although, we applied the anti-nausea patch behind her ear per her physicians order.

Today, was a better day in regards to the nausea, but she received another dose of IV chemotherapy in clinic. She also received her premedication’s that included steroids and had a repeat EKG.  With that said, we are starting to notice a little bit of swelling in her legs and face, which I believe I heard her oncologist say is a result of the IV chemotherapy.  Let’s just pray that both the nausea & swelling do not get any worse than they currently are.

Well guys, it’s been a long day for the Watson’s. It is time to call it a night. I hope you all sleep well, as we are certainly planning on it. Let’s plan on meeting here on Friday for an update, and on Facebook at , until then! Take care!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

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I'm a purpose driven dreamer who loves The Lord, her family, reading, writing, dancing & running!

8 thoughts on “Wednesday, 2/6/2019”

  1. Praying the nausea and swelling subsides. Is there anything that you crave and can tolerate that I could bring you? ❤


    1. As of right now my nausea is staying away,let’s hope it lasts. There’s nothing I can think of right now that I can think of that I would like,Thank you,Mrs Chalker. 🧡


  2. You look fabulous Morgan!! I’m sorry the chemo is causing issues for you. …and a little bit of puffiness on your tiny frame, let’s you know how the rest of us feel all the time!! In my case a lot of puffiness!!! HA! Love you sweet Morgan, and am praying for healing, comfort, joy and answers.


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